Are you in the neighborhood May the 19th, come participate with our first special edition. During running, it is body language. The explanation of the scales for better performance and recovery can be told in French and English. It will be a day of performance, knowledge and fun. Continu reading click on titel
Mental disorders require a multidisciplinary approach.
The science of PNI. All our systems are interconnected: psychology, neurology, immunology, endocrinology and even sociology. In order to treat a mental disorder, we need to examine the complex way in which these different systems of the human body work together.Everyone with a mental disorder has personal reasons for their symptoms. It is by looking
Go for your optimal health
Be free. Be ancestral. Be intermittent. Be well. I invite you to join me at Bernex, Haute-Savoie in France, a beautiful location for a 6 days health reset. Under the supervision and guidance of trained clinical specialists, you will carry out a number of health-enhancing strategies. Why Intermittent? Controlled exposure to low doses of environmental stress has been scientifically
The Thyroid
Does any of the following sound familiar? Your thyroid can be out of balance. The thyroid secretes hormones that regulate the energy production and metabolism of every cell in your body. That is why thyroid dysfunction can manifest in many ways, depending on which tissues are affected. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common type of underactive
Tips for your optimal health
In the coming weeks, you can expect a new tip in this blog. Tip 1: Motivation Set a SMART goal. Change efforts are more successful when they are SMART. That means specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. What kind of lifestyle goals can you choose from? Which little steps will you make towards a bigger
Taking control of health after a personalized lifestyle retreat
Health is not the absence of disease, but it is the ability of body and mind to respond alertly and appropriately to changes. Being able to cope well with a stress moment and return to the balance that is right for you through resilience and flexibility. A stress moment for you can be the presence
PNI-ES Complete Medicine
Complete medicine, PNI-ES, connects all our systems: Psycho-Neuro-Immuno-Endocrino-Socio logical islands together. Complaints can only arise from disturbances within the interrelationships and symptoms are an expression of this. Treating symptoms does not resolve the cause, the disturbance can continue its course and remain present as a smouldering fire in the form of low-grade inflammation, resulting in
The power of nutrition as medicine
Studies have shown that the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables has declined markedly over the past half century. Obesity and malnutrition have become huge health challenges worldwide, especially in the face of climate change. Two billion people are affected by the hidden hunger epidemic, not realising they are nutrient deficient. However, this is a
Newsletter September 2022
Dear people, Did you also enjoy this beautiful summer? The fourth and already the last quarter of the year is there, but first let me look back at the past few months. A summer where I was able to help many people again, received great reviews and was lucky enough to participate in the renewed
Solution-Focus Brief Therapy
Today, I want to tell you more about one of my skills as a PNI coach. As you know our mental wellbeing is also extremely important for our overall health. It helps us in a preventive, protective and curative way. Even when you think that your symptoms are only physical, your mental resilience is meaningful in