By combining ingredients in your dishes, you can cook invigorating and healing and thus work on your health in a delicious and creative way. Recipe 1: For this week I chose marinated green asparagus with fish. Let me explain the ingredients first: Fish: an important source of proteins and good fats, which are so important
Auteur: Marijke Engelbrecht
What is your intention regarding your health?
Myself, I want to grow old fit, let my “healthspan” coincide with my “lifespan” and I make conscious choices for this. Choices concern food, exercise, sleep, cognitive challenge, stress and relaxation. Choices that are fully scientifically substantiated and are integrated into the Intermittent Living concept. After having applied this myself and in my practice with
Lifestyle is Medicine
Routine is medicine Food is medicine Movement is medicine Sleep is medicine Breath is medicine Consistency is medicine Connection is medicine Laughter is medicine Love is medicine Intermittent Living is medicine
How long does a first consultation according to cPNI take in my practice and why?
To find the root cause of the symptom, you need to map the history of all systems: physical, immunological, neurological, endocrinological, psychological and sociological. The film behind the picture. Before complaints can be felt and/or be visible, they are preceded by a period of changes of weeks, months or years, so the cause may have
Breathing as one of the key player in your overall health
Everyone is aware of the importance of oxygen, but do you also know the role of CO2 tolerance? For a good oxygen supply to our cells, we must have an optimal amount of CO2 in our blood. Only with a good balance of CO2 tolerance and CO2 threshold, good aerobic energy production based on oxygen
ReStartYou Retreats
After 2 years of lockdowns and covid measures, more and more people are facing mental health issues. Research highlights shockingly increasing numbers of depression under our younger generation that have been impacted by restrictions in freedom during the past two years. We call this group generation C. In the months and years to come we
Indivudual Intermittent Living days in Switzerland
Nothing is more motivating than experiencing a quick effect, which is why I organize multi-day programs in Switzerland. Why Switzerland? – Optimal height and it is my second homeland. Did you know that the healthiest living environment is located between 750 and 1500 meters? The chalet is at 1000 meters altitude. I will teach you
The Key to living longer is delaying the onset of disease
IS AN INTERMITTENT LIVING MULTI DAY PROGRAM INTERESTING FOR YOU? Do you say yes to one of the following questions: – Do you want to get fit, be fit and stay fit? – Do you want to get rid of your chronic complaints? – Do you have an Auto-Immune disease? – Do you want to
Youth retreat Generation-C: A new YOU in those days and age. The past period has been extremely challenging for many of us. Have you also felt alone? Have you been able to develop less and missed the daily challenges? Do you feel anxiety in daily life? Then this 5 day retreat is for you. You
Well-being for every student
Around us and on the news we regularly hear reports about stress from study choices, dropping out of studies and symptoms like fatigue and depression due to overstraining. Both in high schools and in higher education. This worries us, and you? That is why we started this cooperation. We want/aim to support students maintaining a