Epidemiology: The village of Lyme in Connecticut (US) became famous in 1977 after an epidemic of arthritis broke out among the children and adults of the village. In 1982 the gram negative sprirochete was identified by Willy Burgdorfer. WHO figures show explosive increase in Lyme disease. More and more Borrelia species found. They spread 16
Auteur: Marijke Engelbrecht
Pain, inflammation and cancer susceptibility
You have to help people get rid of their chronic pain, because pain itself is a risk factor for disease. Why do people have chronic pain and/or are chronically tired and why does that lead to illnesses? Physiologically, every illness and injury should be self-limiting. That means resolved within 148 hours. When the immune system
Problems with memory and concentration?
It happens to everyone to have forgotten keys have been left or to have forgotten an appointment. During a stress period, mental overload, it is not uncommon to have such a forgetful moment or a reduced ability to concentrate. Memory problems occur in people with a neurodegenerative disease such as dementia. But they can also
Personalized Coaching Online
for physical and/or mental health The pleasure of being physically and mentally fit plays an important role on our mood, our overall health and our performance. Certified as a physiotherapist, cPNI therapist and Intermittent Living coach, I will guide you to excellent results if you are committed and motivated. You can really on high-level work
Why I like to workout?
There are so many health benefits to be gained with just a few moments of exercise a day. Food determines our health for 85%, exercise for 15%. However, these two lifestyle factors cannot exist without each other. This means eating healthy, but not exercising, little to no gain. Moving delivers: Better insulin sensitivity Enhanced detoxification
Every walk starts with the first step: making a decision.
Our day starts with making a decision, and that decision determines our choice of food, exercise, work, leisure, collaboration with others, or altruistic behavior. Decisiveness is influenced by culture, age, gender, previous life experiences and also by diet. At the same time, people have their own individual core, their personality. Decisions made by outside influences
Online Programs
Zoom or Teams As a result of the recurrent demands about sharing my knowledge via Webinars, I started developing a number of programs. I don’t believe in “one solution fits all” within health, because every person is unique with his or her personal wishes or complaints, or condition. As a result, I have not made
Burn-in, first phase of burn-out
Signs of this are: fear, discouraged, loss of motivation. At first, these complaints appear to be isolated, but a combination of them requires alertness. Other signs may include fatigue, susceptibility, stomach cramps, sleep problems, tinnitus, back pain and headaches. The body gives signals of alarm. The brain is under pressure and at risk of becoming
Relation between sleep and blood sugar balance
Did you know that your sleep can affect your blood sugar levels? It’s true, that blood sugar balance, metabolism and weight are all affected by the quality of your sleep. Chronically poor sleep can cause cravings and the desire to overeat. Or, lead to relying on sweetened coffee or tea, or sugar-laden energy drinks
cPNI modern medicine
Great news for the development of medicine. Proud of cPNI, proud of Dr. Leo Pruimboom, proud that I was able to graduate at cPNI Europe, proud of the results in my clinic. And what a pleasure at work to work causally with someone’s complaints and see them resolved. Thankful for all the energy Leo has