Dear people,
Did you also enjoy this beautiful summer?
The fourth and already the last quarter of the year is there, but first let me look back at the past few months. A summer where I was able to help many people again, received great reviews and was lucky enough to participate in the renewed research ‘The study of the origine’ by and with Dr Leo Pruimboom. After extensive blood tests, 6 days with a backpack on our back through the Basque Country, without mobile phone and watch, in connection with nature, with ourselves and the group. completely back into our biorhythm. Back in Bilbao, blood tests again. Every time, it is impressive to notice how lifestyle Intermittent Living manages to restore people’s health in just a few days. And as for my health: it keeps it at a high level, both physically and mentally. It gives your energy an enormous boost, which I still feel in me every day even after 2 months. Inspired and motivated, I continue my mission: to help as many people as possible to reach their optimal condition in order to live optimally and experience happiness. Happiness cannot be expressed in matter, but it can be expressed with health.
The month of September was dominated by Intermittent Living days in Switzerland with individual coaching. Giving people a quick way to experience how to improve or optimise their health(the benefits) and how lifestyle change can be accomplished without too much effort(energy).
Of course, I also gave my own brain new input by following the latest scientific insights. Like the training course Cancer and Autoimmune diseases are metabolic diseases, which interventions from lifestyle and trauma processing play a positive role within treatment programs. And passed my exam for it. Further training: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.
Two years of Covid also yielded valuable research summarised in the continuing education I took: Lyme, Covid and Long Covid.
I contributed to an article on Lactoferrin in long covid together with pulmonologist G-J. Braunstahl in the professional journal OrthoFyto,
Big news: cPNI got a chair at the University of Granada, Spain, in May. A milestone for cPNI science, modern medicine and health sciences.
What will be next quarter?
Since I want to help as many people as possible without travel distance being an issue, I have started an online health clinic, in addition to my practice locations in Schoorl, Amsterdam and The Hague.
I am working out my belief in the power of collaboration with a Lifestyle Centre, Vital10 and Curefinder. More on this in the near future.
In early December, I will attend the kPNI Congress Pain and Fatigue.
Having knowledge and skills yourself are necessary to make the right choices for your health and keep control of on it, for this I write a weekly blog. See This is how I keep Newsletters very limited.
For cooking inspiration: I regularly update this with a new recipe.
If you have any questions about your physical and/or mental condition, feel free to contact me and we’ll see if we can work on it together.
Healthy greetings, Marijke