Myself, I want to grow old fit, let my “healthspan” coincide with my “lifespan” and I make conscious choices for this. Choices concern food, exercise, sleep, cognitive challenge, stress and relaxation. Choices that are fully scientifically substantiated and are integrated into the Intermittent Living concept.
After having applied this myself and in my practice with clients for years, I know from experience that it provides such health benefits, that it has become my drive to make you aware of the optimal choices for your health and to help you reach the goal.
Strenuous? At the beginning for sure. To start with, you have to let go of the collective mindset regarding our current food consumption and exercise poverty and open up to new experiences to be able to feel the results after a few weeks / months. Once you are there, you will experience that the benefits are so much more than the effort it costs, that you will never want to do otherwise. Benefits: physical and mental flexibility, optimal immune system, vitality, good sleep, better performance, focus, feeling of happiness, love, freedom.
Difficult? No. But for behavioral change you need knowledge and I want to give you this knowledge. Whether your intention is disease reversal, healthy longevity, weight loss, strengthening or more energy, I will help you achieve your goal and inspire you by sharing knowledge. It is a comprehensive lifestyle change that will transform your health once and for all. The great thing about this is that you also become an inspiration for your environment. You pass on health! This is my purpose of life.
Inspired? Check out our website for the possibilities: consultations live or online and Intermittent Living programs. Do you want some personal explication, please fill in the form below.