- Nothing is more motivating than experiencing a quick effect, which is why I organize multi-day programs in Switzerland.
- Why Switzerland?
- – Optimal height and it is my second homeland. Did you know that the healthiest living environment is located between 750 and 1500 meters? The chalet is at 1000 meters altitude. I will teach you how to imitate the benefits of this at home.
- – From the chalet we walk straight into nature, a wonderful starting point for all our activities with beautiful views.
- – We will cook in the spacious kitchen. I will help you with inspiration and provide you tools to easily implement changes at home. We are going to create delicious meals, so that food becomes medicine.
- – You will get a fermentation workshop.
- – Breathing techniques, yoga and mindfulness are offered.
- – In chronic complaints, both physical and mental, there is the presence of low-grade inflammation. Within those 5 days there is a change, visible in blood values, such as lactate, glucose, insulin, leptin, cholesterol and cytokines. It is also measurable weight, blood pressure and heart rate and can be felt by a balance in metabolism and hormone levels, an increase in your vitality, flexibility and decisiveness. You become more powerful in life.
- Intermittent Living is dealing with unexpected stimuli, so I will not give all the details here. In any case, you can count on evolutionary known stimuli, such as: exercise and food as medicine, intermittent drinking & fasting, oxygen stimuli, cognitive challenge, cold and heat. You will also receive an explanation about the health benefits of the advice, practical tools and personal coaching.
- An unforgettable experience with profit for life.
- Get fit, Be fit, Stay fit