Do you say yes to one of the following questions:
– Do you want to get fit, be fit and stay fit?
– Do you want to get rid of your chronic complaints?
– Do you have an Auto-Immune disease?
– Do you want to be mentally and physically strong and flexible?
– Are you aware of your health and its importance?
– Do you really want to feel energetic and vital?
– Do you want to use all your potential better and perform at the right moment?
– Do you believe you can do better?
Then such a multi-day event is definitely something for you.
Turbulent times and the different responsibilities you have in society demand a lot from you. You need your flexibility more than ever.
Challenge your body and brain with ancient stimuli to boost your energy, resilience and decisiveness, so that you can make the necessary behavioral changes to use the optimal capacity of your body and brain.
Learn to implement this lifestyle in your current daily life without being time consuming. With decisiveness you become stronger day after day, you beat energy dips and loss of concentration and you determine your success.
Integrate known ancient stimuli to protect your body and brain from the harmful effects of our modern life.
Stimuli such as Intermittent drinking, fasting, cold, heat, exercises, hypoxia and hypercapnia have a direct effect on 270 genes and most vital processes in the body, whereby we should not forget moments of mindfulness. All these elements will be approached during a multi-day offer with an explanation of why this lifestyle provides us with optimal health. Through an intake in advance, I can make the program even more person-oriented.
The reset you receive in 5 days will provide you with better blood pressure, blood values, more physical and mental freedom and the necessary inspiration to continue at home. You are more decisive.
Intermittent Living is a vigorous lifestyle with scientific references.
Furthermore, it is universal, innovative, integral and systemic, feasible, logical and safe.
For an individual, pair or group program, see: or Dutch: https://flex
Due to new location in Switzerland tryout rate until October 2022