
Youth retreat

Generation-C: A new YOU in those days and age.

The past period has been extremely challenging for many of us.

Have you also felt alone? Have you been able to develop less and missed the daily challenges? Do you feel anxiety in daily life? Then this 5 day retreat is for you.

You have so many personal scales that you want to use to the maximum. You just don’t always succeed. These turbulent times demand a lot from you. Your resilience comes under pressure, while you need it so much right now. You feel aspects that determine your success decrease, such as your energy, your stress management, your concentration, your decisiveness, your vitality and your immune system.

We go on an adventure with a group to learn to deal with new stimuli in life. We work together on the basics need for mental and physical health and will take on new challenges to empower you as a person.

We use elements from the Intermittent Living concept for this. This concept is based on more than 10 years of scientific research by the founder Dr. Leo Pruimboom. It directly affects 270 genes and most vital processes in the body.

How? Using a program full of activities, challenges, together, team, games, connecting, adventure, silence, nutrition, cooking, fun, mindful, breathing, nature.

Discover your strength, become resilient, undisturbed, boost your energy, immunity and flexibility, increase your impact and role in our society. Become a new you in this time.

For this we, Christophe Mattheijsen and Marijke Engelbrecht, organize a 5-day retreat at a suitable location in the Netherlands and abroad.

Upcoming retreat: Monday 6 June to Friday afternoon 10 June in Scheveningen. For young people in the beginning of their life, 18 – 30 years. Group size up to 20 people.

Costs: € 1000. Contact us in case of financial obstacle.

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