Intermittent fasting isn’t just more time between 2 meals. It’s also about what you eat and how you organize it for yourself. If you want to achieve even more effect, you will hear Intermittent Fasting in the broader concept of Intermittent Living. Finally, it concerns a healthy lifestyle: correct nutrition, correct exercise, correct breathing, correct alternation of cold and heat stimulus, stress and de-stressing. All this in the right proportion, so that these hormetic stimuli become medicine.
With the help of an Intermittent Living workshop, a series of Intermittent Living exercises, an Intermittent Living 5 days journey or Intermittent Cooking classes, I teach you how and why and how to make it practically applicable. Health is the ability to adapt flexibly to physical, emotional, social and cognitive challenges. Get fit, be fit, stay fit! Sign up for an activity or a personal consultation.